Market Update

Due to vessels detouring around the Cape of Good Hope and a reduction in capacity by shipowners, extensive rerouting in the Red Sea and Mediterranean region has resulted in a Far-East to North-West Europe capacity loss of around 20%, and the situation is worsening.  Shipping costs are rising, and it is estimated that the situation…

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Seaspace Visit Partners in China

We are a global organisation, so it is important that we travel to meet with our partners, building strong relationships and working closely together. Our managing director Nick recently undertook a visit to China for invaluable meetings and site visits to ensure seamless operations across boarders. The trip shows our commitment to fostering strong global relationships,…

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Shipping to and from China

As the world’s most populous state boasting more than 1.3 billion residents, there’s no doubt that China is a saturated, busy and constantly evolving corner of the world. With a huge amount of import and export opportunities, having been ranked the world’s second largest economy, Seaspace International have worked closely with China and their trade…

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Indian Trade Lanes

Did you know that we operate globally? We seamlessly manage goods worldwide across our global offices. We have offices across India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka, to support our clients’ local trading initiatives. There has been a huge investment and focus in India following recent geopolitical tensions further west and currently, the Indian trade lane…

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